Baker's Best Cleansing Colon Formula

Baker's Best Health Products, Inc. SKU: 405115A

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Say “Goodbye!” to Upsetting Digestive Distress and “Hello!” to Welcome Relief and Regularity!

There are many causes of constipation, but the most common is a lack of fiber. The modern American diet is filled to the gills with highly processed foods that have little or no fiber to help “move things along” on a regular basis. The result? Stools that are hard as rocks!

The body needs two kinds of fiber—insoluble fiber that doesn’t dissolve in water and adds bulk to stools, so they pass through the digestive system faster, and soluble fiber that does dissolve in water, and forms a gel that provides a fuller feeling to help control weight.

This amazing Cleansing Colon Formula has both—the best of the best insoluble and soluble fiber. The ingredients in this super supplement help “speed things up and move ’em out” naturally. It helps the body produce a softer, smoother bowel movement. And a more efficient digestive system lowers the risk of developing problems like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal prolapse, and painful bleeding.


Don’t Suffer a Minute Longer! Cleansing Colon Formula helps...

    • MAINTAIN healthy digestion and system function
    • CLEANSE, tone, and assist bowel movements
    • RETRAIN” the digestive system to work normally again
    • ENJOY a burst of newfound energy and vitality!
    • ABSORB nutrients better to stay healthy
    • LOSE POUNDS of pent-up waste in the colon
    • REGULATE bowel movements like clockwork!
    • FLUSH fecal matter out of the body
    • SLEEP better all through the night

Powerhouse Nutrients Get Things Moving Again!

Every standardized capsule of Cleansing Colon Formula is manufactured to precise specifications, containing a powerhouse of nutrients to help digestion work like gangbusters. The “Super 11” ingredients include:

PSYLLIUM HUSK SEED softens stools and assists proper bowel function, like a gentle “internal scrub brush” to wash away any trapped fecal matter in the bowel and digestive system.

BENTONITE is the “liquid clay” that flushes out sticky fecal matter and toxins such as bad bacteria, viruses, and mold.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FRUIT gently tones the GI tract and stimulates regularity and healthy digestive system function.

WHEAT GRASS helps boost immunity and provides important digestive enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.

ALFALFA LEAF helps eliminate digestive distress in a hurry. The healthy fiber in this “King of Sprouts” also helps tone up weak bowels.

CASCARA SAGRADA BARK, or “Sacred Bark,” stimulates wavelike muscle contractions in the intestines, which helps keep bowels working at peak performance.

RHUBARB ROOT is high in dietary fiber which can guarantee a healthy digestive system. It also promotes colon contractions to expel waste out of the body.

FENNEL SEED is an ancient Roman remedy for gas pains that’s known for its ability to release trapped gas in the intestines.

FRANGULA (BUCKTHORN) BARK is a popular constipation remedy in Europe. It softens stools so they pass easily, without discomfort or irritation.

SENNA LEAF has been used for centuries as an effective natural laxative that stimulates muscle contractions to promote healthy bowel movements, often in as little as three hours!

OAT STRAW HERB is a key source of soluble fiber to relieve irritable bowel, constipation, and diarrhea. Oat Straw Herb is rich in beta-glucan, which enhances the immune system.


What else causes constipation?

In addition to a lack of fiber and the digestive system slowing down with aging, some surprising factors can contribute to constipation. Taking too many laxatives and enemas can cause them to lose their effectiveness as the body eventually comes to depend on them. A lack of physical activity affects the digestive system too. Don’t hold back bowel movements – it can make things back up. Some medical conditions and medications can cause constipation. And those old culprits, stress and anxiety, can slow down the digestive system too.


Why women must be extra careful about constipation

It’s well documented that women are the most frequent constipation sufferers. There are two major reasons for this starting with how pregnancy changes the body. All that stretching and straining during pregnancy and childbirth can weaken the abdominal and pelvic muscles needed for proper elimination. Later in life, estrogen decreases because of menopause. This can reduce the amount of bile acid in the digestive system. Without enough bile, stools can become dry and hard, leading to constipation, bloating, and excess gas.


Pricey Probiotics Are Not All They’re Cracked Up to Be!

Many probiotic products contain only a fraction of beneficial bacteria they claim on the label. And more than half of them contain gluten, which can trigger digestive distress. Also, probiotics are among the most expensive supplements around, with some costing as much as a dollar per dose!

There’s no need to waste hard-earned money. Support a happy, healthy digestive system with the nutrients in this amazing Cleansing Colon Formula!



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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.